celery pineapple juice

Celery Pineapple Juice – Refreshing and Nutritious

Here’s a refreshing island-tasting Celery Pineapple Juice. The sweet, nutritious pineapple combines with the detoxing nutrient-dense celery for a morning kick-start.

Celery Pineapple Juice Ingredients:

  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 Pineapple rounds

Celery juice gives us loads of the minerals we need such as calcium and potassium and 8 ounces of celery juice provide 644 mg of potassium and 99 mg of calcium. That’s 14 and 10 percent of our RDA of those minerals in just 8 ounces. These minerals help keep our electrolytes in balance. Another thought, we know what benefits are brought by proper amounts of calcium. Also, they help with our body’s electrical communication and muscle function.

Pineapples are tropical fruits that are abundant in enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants. They may assist in boosting the immune system, aid indigestion, and build strong bones. And, notwithstanding their sweetness, pineapples are low in calories.

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About Diana Prince

Spouse, Parent, Web Master, Content Creator, Web Design, Back Office management, farmer... Diana does it all.

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