locally grown organic produce

Why Should I Eat Locally Grown, Organic Produce?

Locally grown organic produce has more flavor.

We say, “If you haven’t had a beet that was in the ground, growing yesterday, you don’t know what a beet is supposed to taste like!”

Store-bought produce is picked before the peak of ripeness, the peak of nutrient content, and the peak of flavor. It then travels to our stores and waits for us to purchase it. All the while, losing what little flavor it started with.

Conversely, locally grown organic produce is picked just at it peak ripeness, flavor, and nutrient content. Then travels just a short way to our tables. Produce from Harvest2U is typically picked 24-36 hours before you receive it.

Eating local food is eating seasonally.

Most families in our country eat the same 30 foods all year long. Boring. The best time to eat foods is when they are in season locally. When you eat seasonally, you will enjoy the flavors and benefits of a wide variety of different foods.

Local organic produce has more nutrients.

When your locally grown organic produce is picked at it peak of flavor, it also is at its peak of nutrient content. And since local produce does not travel as far as what we find in the grocery store, we know that it nutritional value remains high as we receive it.

Buying local food supports our local economy.

Money spent with local farmers stays local. When those farmers also buy local that same dollar has what’s called a “multiplier effect.” $1 can literally benefit our economy by as much as 7X! So, we can choose to spend our $1 with an out-of-state company and zoom, there goes the dollar, or we can spend it locally and have it around benefit our neighborhood.

Local organic produce benefits our environment.

By purchasing locally grown organic produce, you are supporting organic farmers who, in turn, help to keep their farmland ecologically viable for future generations.

Local organic produce promotes a safer food chain.

When more people, machines, processes handle our food, the more likely it is to be contaminated somewhere along the way. Keeping our food supply chain close and simple helps to ensure the safety of our food.

Local farmers know how our food was grown.

Have you tried to get answers from the produce clerk in the grocery store about where or how a certain piece of your food was grown? Accurate answers are not likely. However, when dealing directly with those growing our food, we understand what it took to raise that purple carrot. That’s REAL food security.

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About Diana Prince

Spouse, Parent, Web Master, Content Creator, Web Design, Back Office management, farmer... Diana does it all.

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