*one basket or clamshell of Strawberries = 1 Qty.
The importance of organic Strawberries
In one form or another, Strawberries are splashed into cocktails, get chopped into salads, and smeared across toast even though they’re grown with more pesticides than most other crops. Industrial grown (non-organic) Strawberries are #1 on the 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Dirty Dozen Foods List
Strawberries, like most berries, are low-glycemic fruit, making them a tasty option for people looking to control or reduce their glucose levels.
The vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in strawberries can provide essential health benefits.
Strawberries are rich in polyphenols and vitamin C, which are antioxidant compounds that may help prevent diseases.
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