use kohlrabi

Five Creative Ways to Use Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi (pronounced “cole-rah-bee”) is actually a cabbage, selectively bred by farmers over 500 years ago for its thick stem. Use kohlrabi cooked as well as raw. Edible preparations are made with both the stem and the leaves.  The texture and taste of this vegetable are comparable to those of a broccoli stem or cabbage heart, but sweeter and milder, with a higher ratio of flesh to skin. The young stem, in particular, can be as crisp and juicy as an apple, although much less sweet.


Use Kohlrabi in Creative Ways

1. Eaten Raw

It is slightly crunchy and mildly spicy, like radishes mixed with turnip root. Grated, you can make a slaw, use in a salad, or eat it on its own with good olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt.


2.  Make Fritters

It makes great fritters. It’s is an excellent way to get children to eat their kohlrabi!

  1. Grate it and mix with one egg and several tablespoons of breadcrumbs or flour
  2. Heat butter or oil in a flat skillet
  3. Drop on little mounds and flatten slightly with the back of your spatula
  4. Turn after a few minutes

Serve when both sides are crispy.

Harvest2U Recipe: GLUTEN FREE CAULIFLOWER FRITTERS USING ORGANIC PRODUCE (substitute cauliflower with kohlrabi)

3. Pureed Soup

It can be used in vegetable soup. It’s even better in a pureed, creamy soup using mild spices so that sweet kohlrabi flavor can really stand out. It can also be added to or substituted for, recipes for cream of broccoli, cream of potato, and even cream of mushroom soup!

Harvest2U Recipe: BROCCOLI POTATO SOUP (add or substitute Kohlrabi)

4. Use Kohlrabi Steamed

Once steamed, you can use it in literally anything. You can throw it (steamed) into pasta, stir-fries, and frittatas dishes. Puree it with a little cream and mild spices.


5. Roasted

Similar to most vegetables, when roasted in the oven, the outside of the kohlrabi caramelizes, and the flavor sweetens and mellows. Try tossing it in with other roasted veggies like potatoes and eggplant for a hearty side dish.


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About Randy Farrar

Randy Farrar is the CEO and farmer at Harvest2U. He is a seasoned micro-farmer with over 35 years of experience. When he isn't farming and managing Harvest2U, you'll find him writing content for blogs and social media. You can follow him on: ● Facebook ● Instagram ● Linkedin

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